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The Colorado Trail

 Hello! My name is Kristina. 

 Last Summer, I backpacked 492 miles from Denver to Durango in 19 days on the Colorado trail with my very good friend Holly Proulx. We were hiking an average of 26 miles a day, getting an adequate amount of sleep and plenty of rest, stopping in towns and taking our time with resupplies. Through this hike, I was able to spend quality time connecting with a good friend, nature, and learning what I am capable of. 

I am excited to say that this summer I will be attempting to set the record for the fastest time for a woman to hike from Durango to Denver on the Eastern Rout of the CT. My goal is to finish hiking the trail in 13 days which averages out to about 38.5 miles a day.  I am confident that I will be able to meet this goal if I minimize my rest and maximize my drive and stoke!

Learn more about CT FKT's here.

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